State Budget Cuts: Impacts on Women and Families
December 12, 20141 2013 Update
Last year, the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona endeavored to catalogue the state-funded and/or state-implemented programs in Arizona that have the effect of supporting the economic self-sufficiency of low-income women. Our aim was to analyze both funding for those programs and their impact, as measured in economic terms (return on investment).
Much changed over our original study period (2007-2012). Has much changed in the last year?
This year, we endeavored to answer that question by updating our collected data, adding in the year 2013. In this section we briefly highlight how funding and outcomes have changed between 2012 and 2013. Within the report, all data that has been updated is highlighted blue.
1.1 What changed (or didn’t) in 2013
Table 1: Funding Changes 2007-2013 and 2012-2013
Δ 2007-2013 Δ 2012-2013
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Some programs eliminated; others frozen Coverage restored January 2014
Adult Education Funding eliminated in 2010 Funding restored in 2013
Community colleges -58% +1.5%
Child support enforcement services -6.5% +8.7%
Childcare subsidies Funding eliminated; program frozen Still no funding
Targeted early childhood education Funding repealed Still no funding
K-12 education -14.7% -1%
Universities -39% -3%
Joint Technical Education District (JTED) programs -7.1% -0.1%
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs -12% -1.8%
Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) -25% -1%
Housing programs supporting low-income Arizonans -56% -71%
Services for victims of domestic violence -16% -6%